Keerthi's Kid Brother | RajannaFocus | Priya Page | The CinCy Trio | April2002 | RangaRajan,Uday,Keerthi,Viji, Ravi & Sunitha | Amma ,Lalli,Jamuna | Couples | VINAYAK 'S PAGE | Moksha Arrived | Our Family is Big | Contact Me | More of Keerthi
My Photo Album
Keerthi @ her best of moods
fond of dressing up smart

Welcome to my photo album!

Photography is more than a hobby for me. It's a passion, the way I capture and celebrate life.In this album, I've assembled some of my favorite photographs.

On this page, I might describe common threads among my photographs or talk about the themes I try to explore with the camera. I'll also include one or two representative photographs on this page.

Thanks for dropping by and taking a look at my photos. Please be sure to sign my guestbook below when you're done!

I am the First
Keerthi - June2003
My grandma bought this dress !
hello, I am American
But see my other faces too !!

Indo-American !
Come & Dance with me !!

Dancing Keerthi
do you like my dress ??

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